Ammonium Sulfate

Formula: (NH4)2SO4
CAS: 7783-20-2
Formula Weight: 132.14  g/mol
Density: 1.77  g/cm3
Melting Point: >280  °C
Boiling Point: --
Purity: --
Concentration: --

Hazard and Safety Information

Signal Word: Warning!
Oral-LD50: --
Flash Point: --
Auto Ignition: --
Flinn Family: I2

GHS Hazard Statement: May be harmful if swallowed. Harmful to aquatic life.

General Hazard Information: Slightly toxic by ingestion. Irritating to body tissues. Avoid body tissue contact

Storage: Flinn Family: Inorganic #2. Store in/on shelf with acetates, halides, iodides, sulfates, sulfites, thiosulfates, phosphates, halogens.

Disposal: General and institutional diposal instructions can go here.


Infrared - NIST Chemistry Webbook

Title: AMMONIUM SULFATE    State: SOLID (NUJOL MULL) $$PURITY UNKNOWN    Instrument: Not specified, most likely a prism, grating, or hybrid spectrometer.    Filename: ./spectra/external/IR/30/30-b-IR-NIST.jdx