Canola Oil

Formula: --
CAS: 120962-03-0
Formula Weight: 0.00  g/mol
Density: --
Melting Point: --
Boiling Point: --
Purity: --
Concentration: --

Hazard and Safety Information

Signal Word: --
Oral-LD50: --
Flash Point: --
Auto Ignition: --
Flinn Family: O3

GHS Hazard Statement: Not a dangerous substance or mixture according to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS).

GHS Precautionary Statement: Not a dangerous substance or mixture according to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS).

General Hazard Information: Pale yellow viscous liquid. Odorless. Substance is not considered hazardous but avoid aspiration of any oil into the lungs. Not for human consumption or topical use. Combustible when exposed to heat or flame.

Storage: Flinn Family: Organic #3. Store in/on shelf with hydrocarbons, esters, aldehydes, oils. Store flammables in a dedicated cabinet.

Disposal: General and institutional diposal instructions can go here.