Calcium Sulfate dihydrate

Formula: CaSO4•2H2O
CAS: 1010-41-4
Formula Weight: 172.17  g/mol
Density: 2.320  g/cm3
Melting Point: --
Boiling Point: --
Purity: --
Concentration: --

Hazard and Safety Information

Signal Word: --
Oral-LD50: --
Flash Point: --
Auto Ignition: --
Flinn Family: I2

GHS Hazard Statement: Not a dangerous substance or mixture according to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS).

GHS Precautionary Statement: Not a dangerous substance or mixture according to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS).

General Hazard Information: Irritating dust. Avoid inhalation. Otherwise, substance is not considered hazardous. However, not all health aspects of this substance have been thoroughly investigated.

Storage: Flinn Family: Inorganic #2. Store in/on shelf with acetates, halides, iodides, sulfates, sulfites, thiosulfates, phosphates, halogens.

Disposal: General and institutional diposal instructions can go here.